Sweet Queen-city of the golden South

Busy day today, and catching a flight to Melbourne shortly. Just time to post this poem “Melbourne” by Patrick Moloney (1843 - 1904). 

O sweet Queen-city of the golden South, 
Piercing the evening with thy star-lit spires,
Thou wert a witness when I kissed the mouth 
Of her whose eyes outblazed the skyey fires.
I saw the parallels of thy long streets, 
With lamps like angels shining all a-row,
While overhead the empyrean seats 
Of gods were steeped in paradisic glow.
The Pleiades with rarer fires were tipt, 
Hesper sat throned upon his jewelled chair,
The belted giant's triple stars were dipt 
In all the splendour of Olympian air,
On high to bless, the Southern Cross did shine,
Like that which blazed o'er conquering Constantine.